Summary of the story of confiscating peasants' lands at Burg el-Arab south ALEXANDRIA – EGYPT



 Summary of the story of confiscating peasants' lands at Burg el-Arab south ALEXANDRIA – EGYPT

 ·        Peasants caught the government while confiscating their lands.

 ·        At this area the peasants defended Egypt against the French campaign in 1798 and the British invasion in 1882. 

Since 1921, the peasants have officially purchased their lands with registered records. 

·        Burg el-Arab City Agency have lost legal cases, one after one, and resorted to bullying mechanisms to change the characteristics of the land and its nature "to save whatever it could".

 ·        Burg el-Arab City Agency: – Bulldozering the planted land and extracting trees. – Transforming agriculture land into garbage, construction and/or car waste disposals' spots.

 – Transforming agriculture land into sewage disposal spots. 

– Expanding electrical wires on the surface of the earth to expose peasants and pedestrians to danger. 

– Putting signs saying: "Owned by the City Agency" and assigning formal guards to protect the signs.

 – Following up peasants with hundreds of forged retaliatory law cases. Through these cases one hundred and fifty people have been accused of being guilty from 2005 to 2007 (with the exception of one person-Hussian Fadl).

 – The Environment, The Electricity and The Police Authorities refuse to investigate peasants' complaints against the City Agency.

  march 2008 27

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